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Your HVAC system is supposed to keep you comfortable throughout the seasons. However, it takes maintenance to keep it performing effectively. Here we list seven HVAC maintenance tips to optimize performance and avoid HVAC repairs.

1. Replace the Air Filters 

During the summer and winter months when your system works the hardest, the air filters get a dusty build-up that interferes with performance. You should replace the air filters monthly in the summer and winter, and at least once at the beginning of the spring and fall when the system isn’t needed every day.

2. Keep the Area Around Your HVAC Clear and Dust-Free

Your HVAC doesn’t like dust and obstructions. In hand with keeping the air filters dust-free, you should be vacuuming around your indoor unit and making sure it isn’t crowded with boxes and stored items. On your outdoor AC unit brush away dust and debris in the summer months when the cover is off. If you experience an extreme storm, be sure to check the outdoor unit for debris and clear away weeds and overgrowth. If you don’t have a cover in the winter, check it for ice and snow, especially after storms.

3. Use Optimal Temperature Settings

You want your HVAC to keep you comfortable, but you also want it to be energy efficient. Speak to your HVAC expert to understand the best settings for comfort and energy efficiency for your thermostat, then set it and then forget. The more you adjust it, the harder your system works, and the more wear and tear it causes.

4. Check Ducts and Vents

The ducts transport conditioned air throughout your home, while the vents deliver it to the individual rooms. When either is blocked, it interferes with the proper operation of your system. Make sure your vents are open, and unobstructed by drapes, area rugs, furniture etc. and vacuum the vents often. The ducts can leak wasting as much as 30% more energy. Check exposed ducts for tears on tape seams and other damage. Repair them with duct tape to improve efficiency.

5. Clean the Condensate Drain Line

Your HVAC unit has a condensate drain line on the outside unit of your AC. It removes condensation and can get clogged which freezes up the system causing it to fail. The line is easily detached so you can pour in a cup of vinegar or bleach to remove sediment, mould and algae build-up.

6. Clean the Condenser and the Evaporator Coils

Your AC has coils also prone to debris build-up. They keep the airflow running, but they are also very easily damaged. If your system can’t power on, it could be because of a blocked coil. While you want to keep them clean, it is best to call an HVAC pro to manage this safely.

7. Have Professional Maintenance Tune-ups

You need both fall HVAC maintenance and spring HVAC maintenance to keep your HVAC trouble-free throughout the year.

Using essential maintenance tips to keep your HVAC system kicking will also avoid costly repairs. Although HVAC tips for homeowners help, professional annual and seasonal tune-ups will keep your system operating all year round and extend the life of the unit.

Get professional preventive maintenance performed by a qualified HVAC technician. Contact our team today.

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